Shayana Shop


Lust is a very powerful pro-sexual stimulant when taken shortly prior to sex. Its potent mix of renowned herbal aphrodisiacs amplifies performance and heightens sensuality for both men and women. It will give both men and women plenty of Speed-like energy, together with aphrodisiac elements that will make sex a far more sensual experience. It can also increase performance in men. It is a very good after clubbing aphrodisiac that is OK when mixed with alcohol.


Typically you will experience lots of extra energy, bigger ejaculations, very sensitive skin, tingling sensations in the hair and skin.


Lust is packaged in 3 capsule doses. You should take 1-3 capsules depending on the amount of stimulation desired and when you wish to sleep. The closer it is to when you wish to go to sleep, the less you should take. Swallowed with a drink, or emptied into a drink if you do not like swallowing capsules, approximately 30-60 minutes before sex.



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